Stress is Shit..aka…the route of all evil?

Hi beautiful people,
I have been away for awhile with obligations outside of the blog world (as in bought a new house and what a fun ride that is with paperwork) but I am back again and sooooo very happy to see you all. I hope you’ve been practicing the mirror beauty beauty on the wall, I am the most awesome of them all, or whatever mantras been working for you. If you’ve forgotten, I’m here to remind you, male or female, you are a magnificent creature and you need to remind yourself many times a day. A habit will be made and even if you don’t feel it some days (like when a new grey hair crops up like a corn stalk out of your eyebrow… oh wait, never mind…that’s me) if you keep saying it, it WILL make you feel better.
So todays topic is going to be stress. I’ve been learning alot on how to handle the latest and greatest life mood breakers and how to swerve around them, or at the minimum, hit them like the nasty little speedbumps that are put out like a pair of shoes in the dark that you trip over on the way to relieve yourself for the umpteenth time in the middle of the night because you drank too much champagne in celebration of your awesomeness the night before. Kick ’em out of your way, swear if necessary but you gotta get to where you’re meant to be and a lousy pair of loafers are not gonna slow you down. Hit that bathroom, or your life, run full speed ahead. Don’t look back, don’t look down and for Gods sake, only stop to look in the mirror to tell yourself yet again how beautiful and awesome you are. So where were we before the mental speedbump hit and stubbed our toes, our moods and sent us careening into a mood of pissiness? Stress. Yes, the equivalent of the four letter other word that begins with S and rhymes with hit. Because truly, stress IS shit. Pardon my non French.

Stress….that vile little six letter word. Should be banned from our vocabulary. Should be called what it really is at least:
That which ruins moods
That which should not be spoken aloud
That which will kill us
That which makes a great morning into a hellish afternoon
That which takes us away from being our full happy blissful little selves
That which makes us look old sooner
That which should from henceforth be bannished from your life.

I apologize in advance for the toilet humor today but that is what I think of when I think of stress. Going to the bathroom. Either you handle it like a rock star on a liquid fast or you handle it like a bound up two year old. How do you look at stress and the situations it arises from?

When thrown into a situation that has your insides tied in knots, red in the face and ready to cry, how do you handle it?
When you know darn well if you open your almighty pie hole and let loose it will get messy, you may ruin something (your career, a relationship, could be anything, really) do you pinch the throat sphincter and hold all the nastiness in? Do you say heck with it, poops gotta come out sooner rather than later? Or do you just stew awhile longer and go home to let loose there?

See the comparison? Stress is not a good thing at all. It needs to be set free and flushed from your life as soon as possible. Moments when you feel it on the brim do you start breathing faster and getting anxious? Or do you just take a moment and relax knowing that this too shall pass? Do you find once it has passed that it wasn’t what you thought at all? Maybe it was just a smattering of gas that dissipated quickly and not anything to get too worked up over. Maybe it was just needing a little kick to get itself into gear so that it could pass nicely without all the fuss. Maybe it’s held in until the point it hurts so much from being clogged in your mind that once it blows, well, you get the idea. Maybe it had some spice to it and now you’re afraid of the burn after. Cayenne anyone?

People, beautiful people, you have to learn the signs and see it for what it is. Laugh at it. Talk about it. Call it names if you must. Doo doo, nastiness, poop, shit. It is what it is and guess what?
Shhhhh….everyone has some. Everyone goes through the SAME EXACT THING!!!! Maybe their stress looks pretty and doesn’t seem as foul, but it’s there. Some people’s stress is particularly vile, trying to suck you down the pipe with it, dragging you into the sewer of unhappiness and misery. Get out, pull yourself up and out…don’t let them do it. Don’t let their toxicity taint you.’Cause you’ve got your own. Don’t drown in theirs.
Wipe it away. Don’t use the cheap stuff. Use the gold plated scraper and get that nasty stuff off. You’re worth it.
Breathe in and out with measured breaths. Relax. Loosen up. Let it go. If you are relaxed it will slide away. If you are tight and angry, that’s shits not gonna go anywhere. Try it. You will see that flower fragrant bloom in your mind as you spray away the remnants, leaving yourself scented sweetly and you will walk with your head high. You will smell like a rose. You CAN do it. Turn that switch, hit that handle and be done with it. You are too good for the outhouse of sadness. You deserve the throne of gold. You will feel amazing. You will feel beautiful. You will know that through it all you emerged unscathed. You will stand tall, suck in your tummy and say man, that was amazing. People will look at you like WHAT? But you will lose that stress. You will emerge victorious and once the battle has been won, you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about.
So next time you find yourself stressed think of this tale and decide how are you going to handle that nastiness. I think the choice might be a bit easier. You will feel lighter. You can picture the person causing you stress as a big piece of poop that isn’t going to get the better of you. Scrape ’em off, scoop them up and don’t look back as you take your little gray Baggie of thoughts and deposit them in the big can in your mind. Garbage day is coming soon. Just put the lid on tight so it doesn’t escape and spray the happy thoughts all over your divine self. Be the happy egg. Be the golden egg.

16 thoughts on “Stress is Shit..aka…the route of all evil?

  1. SGC Admin

    Thanks so much for such a light hearted and important blog entry… Stress is indeed a killer… love your positive attitude and for helping us to see ourselves in a more positive light… 🙂 Wishing you a fabulous day, today and every day… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. InfiniteZip Post author

      Haha, thank you so very much, figured I’d lose some followers for that one…life leaves me flying high and connecting life with good and bad is part of the process, and a good laugh never hurts either😃


    1. InfiniteZip Post author

      Hi Laine , a few months ago i branched out to try something new. Still a work in progress but letting loose a bit more and getting more personal with life changes and how to cope, self improvement,etc….my having fun and I can be more down to earth blog. Hope you enjoyed the few I’ve done so far😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Laine Anne Theodore

        Yes, I did enjoy the posts. Somehow, I have not had regular notices since starting this blog. I’ve got your blogs set so that I will receive email notifications instantly now. Hopefully all will be well going forward.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. spartacus2030

    WOW! I liked an article and so I went on tread this one… The one with the little box guy made me laugh ’til I almost pissed myself! You Sir, are an excellent combo writer-illustrater… You’re a straighter Writer with a twist! Well done! Take a bow, and eat something green!

    It’s psychological… More importantly, people should be looking for ways to either leave or disasociate with to overcome this high blood pressure maker! Meditation for one hour per day is recommended for those who loose it more frequently.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. InfiniteZip Post author

      Haha,,yes, a woman….I’m glad you enjoyed it. Just started a few weeks ago with this one..trying out a different fun format. So glad you liked it and glad to,see you following😃

      Liked by 1 person

      1. spartacus2030

        For Heaven’s sake! For Heaven’s sake? I’ve been hearing from and answering you for God only knows (God only knows?) how long, and I’m not officially following you and don’t know you’re a woman? What way is that to treat a friend? I just want to thank you from deep within my blatter that you have so loyally stuck by my side all this time… And I’m a BOOB! OK… Bad choice of words… I’m a NIPPLE! LOL! So pleased to know you :O)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. spartacus2030

    You’re a woman! I’m so embarrassed! Didn’t mean anything gender specific or anything… Another interesting thing I found out was that I’m not following you. I am now! I like to put people I follow in my own folder because they seldom show up on my Reader.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. InfiniteZip Post author

      Still chuckling😃 meditation is great….I meditate while eating too…keeps me peaceful and calm….and I eat less that way too….we know what’s gonna happen later so try to,eat healthier and stress does suck.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. spartacus2030

        We live in a world that orders up stress like fast food, yes, the wise among us temper that to maintain some form of sanity within it all… Sometimes I need up to 8 hash brownies before I go to the Bank!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. InfiniteZip Post author

        None of those for me….nor regular brownies…if I made some, I’d eat them all…pizza is my downfall…and cheese…and more cheese…and wine of course 😃


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